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We have lost some lovely relationship during this lockdown. LOCKDOWN dairies bring down a story that will make you understand the importance of relations. We sometimes need a friend or an angel to bring these important relations back to our life. Actually, this lockdown has played its own role in showing the value of relations. The relation we thought will break is closer now and to whom we thought are close are lost somewhere back. We got the time to realize who we are and who is ours. "Lockdown dairies" is a story of four different couples. they were struggling with their relations and all of a sudden lockdown happens. Let's see what happens to their relations whether it is going to get sorted or it ends with separations. Let's see the destination they reach with us in Lockdown Dairies
We have lost some lovely relationship during this lockdown. LOCKDOWN dairies bring down a story that will make you understand the importance of relations. We sometimes need a friend or an angel to bring these important relations back to our life. Actually, this lockdown has played its own role in showing the value of relations. The relation we thought will break is closer now and to whom we thought are close are lost somewhere back. We got the time to realize who we are and who is ours. "Lockdown dairies" is a story of four different couples. they were struggling with their relations and all of a sudden lockdown happens. Let's see what happens to their relations whether it is going to get sorted or it ends with separations. Let's see the destination they reach with us in Lockdown Dairies
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Episode 5